6 Ways You Can Improve Your Productivity
Most business owners, managers, and senior executives are juggling day-to-day responsibilities, growing the business, and various projects. With so much to do, improving your productivity is key if you want to succeed. Here are a few top tips to help you to improve your productivity.
1. Stop multi-tasking
In today’s always-on environment, many of us have fallen into the trap of multi-tasking and trying to do too much. Instead, try to focus on doing individual tasks properly. Create a priority list each day and focus on getting each item on that list ticked off. That way you can focus on processing the task at hand.
2. Delegate
The very best business leaders are masters of delegation. Build a team of effective people around you and delegate as much as you can. Empower them to take on projects and avoid micromanaging. Delegation is the key to productivity.
3. Learn to say no
Taking on too much at once will reduce your productivity and increase your stress levels. Say no to things that are not important. Just because you are invited to a meeting doesn’t mean it should be a priority. Focus on the things that really matter to you and your firm and say yes to them. Everything else is just a distraction.
4. Cut out the noise
With email, instant messaging, social media, and phone calls, we are all distracted by constant noise. Schedule a specific time for checking your various email and messaging inboxes and refrain from checking your messages outside of these specific times.
5. A day of no meetings
Scheduling a “no-meeting day” every week can have a positive impact on your productivity. Every manager needs uninterrupted blocks of time to deal with projects, reporting, and whatever else is on the “to do” list.
6. Leave work at a reasonable hour
The most productive managers make it home at a reasonable time. Successful leaders don’t work long hours every day in an attempt to tick more items off their to-do list. Instead, they think through their priorities, schedule time for each, then it’s time to go home.
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