

Do you Have a Winning Attitude?

Many small and medium-sized businesses have the potential to be better and stronger than they are today. Success in business is often down to the management team and their mindset. Here are some attitudes that very often set the leaders in business apart from the rest of the pack:

In business there are no mistakes, only learning opportunities

Things you try will not always work out as planned. Don’t dwell on the failures, but use them to your benefit. Be willing to take calculated risks, learn from your actions and keep moving forward.

I know I can

You control your destiny – believe it and own it. Remember the words of Henry Ford “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.” Take ownership of your decisions, accountability for your actions, and responsibility for your results.

I don’t know what I don’t know

Personal and professional growth requires an open mind and a willingness to try new things. When you think you know everything, you close your mind to learning. Don’t shut out ideas or innovations with an “I know” attitude.

An attitude of gratitude

As a child, we are often taught, “be grateful for the little things and the big things will come”. Take time to acknowledge and appreciate the little acts of kindness, successes, and accomplishments that occur each day. When we focus on the good stuff, we build positive energy that reflects on our colleagues and business associates. Be grateful and stay positive.

It’s not what I know, but what I do

Most people have an abundance of ideas or goals. But until you start to take action, nothing will change in your business or life. Make doing a priority – think of the Nike advert, “just do it.”

Time is your most valuable asset

Instinctively we know that time is money. Invest it wisely in the tasks and activities that support your business, personal, and relationship goals.

Business is fun!

You probably thought so when you started your business with a vision of more money, time, and/or freedom. If the fun is gone, it’s time to get it back. Take control. Revisit your vision. Get re-energized. Create a business that works for you – one that is simple, fun, and profitable.


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