Get the Most Out of Social Media Marketing

Get the Most Out of Social Media Marketing

Most, if not all of your team will have social media, this may be Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, or Instagram. Some members of your team may even have more than one. So, why not encourage your team to utilize their personal pages to help the business grow? Here are few benefits of utilizing the social media platforms of your employees.

Greater trust

‘People buy from people we hear it time and time again, and it applies to social media as well. People are more likely you buy from and engage with individuals’ social media accounts over faceless corporate accounts.


Having your employees share your content will broaden your reach. If 4 of your team members each with 150 Facebook friends were to share your content it would be reaching 600 more people than you would otherwise. The extra 600 people are also more likely to engage with the individual sharing the post and your brand.

Personally invested in growth

Team members actively sharing and posting about the business will be more invested in the overall success of the business. Higher personal investment in the success of the business helps improve morale and can be motivating for other members of the team.

You could offer incentives for individuals sharing business-related posts, give whoever has had the highest engagement a bottle of wine or a gift voucher to thank them for the contribution they have made. This can be done on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Offer social media training

We have gone through the benefits of encouraging employees to share business posts, but it is important to train your employees and ensure they understand what is and is not acceptable to post. Anything your employees posts will have an impact on your business. It may be worth assigning someone the role of social media marketing

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