Learn from Leading Businesses

Learn from Leading Businesses

We can all learn something from the world’s leading businesses like Apple, Google, Salesforce and Amazon. These firms have invested millions of pounds in order to find new and better ways to run their various business lines. Here are some tips that can apply to almost any business:

Create Impeccable Customer Experiences

If your firm is going to stand out in the current business environment, it needs to create an impeccable experience for its customers. Your customers may be external (i.e. those who purchase your products or services) or internal (your employees, partners, suppliers and management team). Business owners and managers tend to focus on building relationships with external customers.

Build Relationships Internally

By spending time focusing on your internal customers, you can make your firm a better place to work. You can help your internal customers to become more efficient, dedicated and bought into the company vision. This type of internal relationship management comes in many forms, including training, recognition/reward for top performers and taking time to listen to what your internal customers have to say by encouraging feedback.

Google ensures that its researchers, engineers, and product managers all work together throughout projects, which creates feedback loops for Google’s projects. This feedback ensures that internal customers remain creative, empowered, and motivated. As a result, the management team is also better informed.

Team Member Experiences help shape Customer Experiences

The best businesses focus on capturing the experience and know-how of their people. The purpose of a business is for it to serve its people, not the other way around. As such, you want your internal customers to be your biggest fans because the growth of your company depends on it. Apple’s employees love the idea of working for their favourite tech company. In order to retain these quality employees, Apple must ensure that it remains its favourite tech brand.

Employee Retention

Communication is key to employee retention. The core messages should be that no ideas are too small and that there is no such thing as a silly question. Employees should be encouraged to engage in open communication with people across the business. Another great way to retain employees is to create a work-life balance, which ensures that your people are mentally and physically healthy and happy. You can help by providing programmes that promote healthy living. Happy workers who love their job are far more likely to remain with your firm.