Molding the Next Generation of Leaders

Molding the Next Generation of Leaders

Identify the next generation of leaders

Your managers are responsible for molding the firm’s next generation of leaders. Access your current management team, what attributes do they all possess? Can you identify any of these attributes in your team?

Start building a leadership programme

Create a leadership program, build it around your company’s vision and goals. You need to ensure your trainees know how their individual targets and goals align with the firms. Explain how they play a role in the overall success and profitability of the company. Encouraging ownership and ensuring goals align will naturally improve morale and encourage growth as well as open honest communication across the firm.

Take a step back

Though tempting; it is important to allow your trainees to have the freedom to explore and experiment. If your trainees hit a problem, give them time to try and resolve it themselves before stepping in. Let them find their feet.

Communication is key

Communicate with your trainees to find out more about them. Do they want to grow and develop? Is moving up in the firm a part of their vision for development? Or are they content in the job role they are in. Remember just because you see potential in a trainee and think they will make a great leader it doesn’t mean that’s what they want for themselves.

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