Tax Diary of Main Events 2018/19

Tax Diary of Main Events 2018/19

Here are key tax dates for December 2018 and January 2019 to add to your calendar:

DateWhat’s Due
19/12/18PAYE & NIC deductions and CIS return and tax, for a month to 5/12/18 (due 22/12 if you pay electronically)
 30/12/18Deadline for filing 2017/18 tax return online in order to request that HMRC collect outstanding tax via the 2019/20 PAYE code
01/01/19Corporation tax for the year to 31/03/2018 unless quarterly instalments apply
19/01/19PAYE & NIC deductions and CIS return and tax, for a month to 5/1/19 (due 22/12 if you pay electronically)
31/1/19Deadline for filing 2017/18 self-assessment tax return online and paying your outstanding tax for 2017/18.

If you need any assistance please contact us on 01295 477 250 alternatively you can email [email protected].