Tips for Working From Home
After a month of working from home, things can start becoming tougher. We’ve prepared some tips to remind you of the best practices to keep you going during this lockdown.
Keep your routine
- It helps to continue your routine. Wake up at the same time, get dressed, go for a walk and prioritise your tasks.
Your workstation at home
- Create a workspace. Set up your work area away from the main part of your home if possible.
- Avoid using your sofa or bedroom for work
- If you work better with some noise, trying putting on some relaxing music for some background noise.
- Make your work environment as comfortable as possible.
- Try to find somewhere light and maybe add some colour or a plant or two.
Schedule your breaks
- When working without distraction we can forget to get up and move during the day.
- Set reminders in your diary to get up and stretch or take a break from looking at the screen.
- You can do some quick stretches, deep breathing, go up and down the stairs, or even get yourself a glass of water.
Get out in green space
Healthy nutrition
- Try to avoid the kitchen and fridge if boredom sets in.
- If you tend to snack during the day, make sure you have healthy options available.
Minimise distraction
- We can be easily distracted when working from home.
- Start your day by prioritising what is important, turn off your personal phone and close any other websites.
Take your lunch break
- Don’t work through your break, or cut it short.
- Use this time to go for a walk, do some exercise, make a healthy lunch or prep for dinner.
- Taking the time will help clear the mind and make you feel more refreshed for the afternoon.
Create balance
- Define boundaries between ‘work hours’ and home life.
- This will help create a balance between the two.
- Once work is done for the day, close the office door, or clear-up and pack away your work equipment if you need the space.
Reach out
- For some, working from home maybe difficult to get used to.
- Know that you’re not the only one feeling the way you do.
- Schedule catch-ups with your colleague via phone/video conferencing and make sure you reach out and ask for help and support if you are struggling.
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